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Knock Out Roses

Roses are undeniably the most beautiful shrub you can plant in your garden. They provide years of beauty that will enhance your yard and provide beautiful flowers to bring into your home for display. They require more work than other shrubs, but the result can be unbelievable beautiful in your garden. Up until 10 years ago, achieving success with roses almost always meant spraying your roses weekly to keep them healthy from diseases and pests. For centuries roses have been prone to diseases and pest infestations, until the development of Knock Out Roses.

In "2000" a rose breeder called William Radler changed all that with his introduction of Knock Out Roses. Breeding roses was the culmination of many years of research from William Radler in developing what has become the most popular rose, sought world wide.

Knock Out Roses are extremely disease-resistant, drought-tolerant, ever-blooming, winter hardy in zones 4-9, and self cleaning( no deadheading). They grow in full sun or partial shade and need very little pruning. Knock Out roses do not require spraying and they bloom spring till fall. So if you're a busy gardener and do not have time to fuss over roses, any Knock Out Rose in the series would be your answer to growing roses with minimum fuss for a garden of beautiful roses. The major drawbacks to Knock Out roses are their limited blooms and many people do not find them as attractive as other types of traditional roses.

Pick out the color you like best, and start growing. There are rose nurseries all over, online and locally that sell the delightful Knock Out Roses. For years of no fuss care, beauty and hardiness it would be hard to beat what William Radler developed with Knock Out Roses. He has also bred such popular roses as Carefree Sunshine, a nice yellow hardy shrub, and a beautiful red climber called Rambling Red. We can continue to hope William Radler will develop more exciting roses for the future.

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